Friday, December 5, 2008

Someone Says You're in the Wrong Place My Friend, You Better Leave

Someone Says You're in the Wrong Place My Friend, You Better Leave
Conceived and Developed by Hwy Rachel
Inspired by Things We'd Rather Not Say Aloud for Legal Purposes

Wednesday, December 10th

Presented as part of the MISC Film and Performance Festival
(Performances run from 7-10pm throughout the gallery space)

New York Studio Gallery
154 Stanton St. (at the corner of Suffolk)
Lower East Side

F and V and JMZ friendly!

A blurb about the show:

Someone Says You're in the Wrong Place My Friend, You Better Leave was developed for the NYSG as a roving performance piece that loops three times through the gallery. It follows the stories of five characters we would be unlikely to meet in the same place at the same time (except perhaps in a Dylan song): a biblical Cain-turned-clown, a rainbow-obsessed Ophelia, Einstein in Robin Hood tights and in the throws of discovery, a doe-eyed Cinderella, and a Fortuneteller with a penchant for spitting and never quite closing up shop. As the characters' stories move them from place to place, the audience is free to follow (or not) in whichever order they choose, creating a self-directed piece of interactive theater.


Unknown said...

i just went through and read your whole blog. I love your writing Melissa! I wish I could be there for the show, but I've got rehearsal. Nonetheless, I am back in town and I simply must see you!! So let's make that happen lil Miss.


MS said...

You are such a nut! You have read it all before!!

Thank you for the compliment and I want to see you too!