Thursday, May 17, 2007

Fire in the Hole

So, I have to share this.

During the Great Rachel Hyman Scandal of 2007, I had a gentleman visit my blog, undoubtedly from her page, who informed me that he didn't get the "Shawdenfreude" thing and gave a web address that featured the correct spelling and definition.

So, I just visited it and discovered upon it this proverb:

"Pimenta no cu dos outros é refresco.": "Pepper in somebody else's anus is freshness." (ironically used.)

It's Brazilian.

Why have I never been to Brazil?


phixit said...

Jesus, Melissa. Really. Pepper in the anus? I doubt that's the sort of thing that the travel bureau would put in their pamphlets. I'm sure they have that sort of excitement available in New Jersey.

MS said...

Oh, well, I go to Jersey to do get it done all the time. I'm sure it must be more exotic in Brazil though.

You know because saying "I got this burning sensation in South America" never gets old.

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